Wise Financial Solutions
Group Solutions Group Health Plan

Group Health Plan

KAISER INTERNATIONAL HEALTH GROUP provides the most responsive immediate health care program in the market


Our Five-Point HealthCard Program

  1. Preventive Healthcare
    Annual physical examination and screenings to detect potential health risks early.
  2. Outpatient Services
    Coverage for doctor consultations, laboratory tests, and minor procedures.
  3. Inpatient Services
    Hospitalization benefits, including patient accommodation, surgery, and medication.
  4. Emergency Services
    Immediate medical care for urgent and critical conditions.
  5. Dental Services
    Basic dental care including annual oral prophylaxis for overall wellness.

Preventive Healthcare

The prevention of illness to decrease the burden of disease and associated risk factors

Annual Physical Examination (for principals only)

Outpatient Services

In the event Coverage member suffers illness or injury not requiring hospital confinement, Kaiser shall provide

Inpatient Services

Confinement in accredited hospitals

Maximum Benefit Limit (MBL) – the maximum amount payable per illness per member per year; inclusive of consultations, diagnostic procedures, and hospitalization

Emergency Services

During an emergency case, a member who is in a critical condition caused by an illness or injury, the following benefits are:

Dental Services

The Member is entitled to dental services administered by an accredited service provider. The dental benefits shall cover the following services:

Financial Assistance

Kaiser International Healthgroup will give/provide, in the event of death or injuries through natural causes or accidental means, the heirs and/or assigns of any member who is enrolled in this health care program some financial assistance.

Other Group Health Benefits

For groups of more than 100 members, the following are included

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